Monday 29 September 2014


A line near the top of the page saying how good the magazine is and how it is ‘BRITAINS BEST SELLING MOUTAIN BIKE MAGAZINE’ shows off its awards.
The bold title allows the reader to be drawn in and it attracts the eye from the rest of the cover to begin with.
A puff allows there to be a form of bragging aspect to the magazine showing off how good they are.
Main image shows directly what its about and also makes the reader think what they could potentially be.
’15 HELMATES TESTED’ this gives the reader the idea that the people writing the magazine know what they’re doing.
The shot is of the full body and bike this shows an action shot of the person and also shows its main surroundings.
More bold writing draws the reader in and allows them to have a short insight into what the magazine has in it.
They also show things like ‘FIX IT YOURSELF’ this then allow the reader to think that they can save money by doing DIY.
Saying things like ‘THE GREATES SHOW ON EARTH’ this makes the reader more interested to see what and where it is.
Free gift pull outs allows the reader to feel more involved and are liking the idea that they are receiving a ‘free’ gift.
The price tag is on the front magazine it is usually printed very small this can be because it can cost a lot of money.


The website is printed to show where it’s available online.
The bold title allows the reader to be drawn in and it attracts the eye from the rest of the cover to begin with.
By not showing all of the magazines title in bold this allows the key words to be shown. The word DIRT is the main co word that people will look for as it is shot and people will directly look out for the shortened title of the magazine.
The barcode is printed small this allows the main attention to be drawn to the magazine and then the price comes second.
A basic cover to the magazine allows the main focus to be on the small amount of text this then allows it to stand out more.
By advertising for other things such as the ‘WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012’ this then shows other events that link to the magazine genre.
The words ‘PURE GOLD’ make the reader interested as they are made aware of the quality of the magazine and what’s in it.
By not using a block font on the words in the right third this allows it to have an effect that makes it look hand written.

Thursday 25 September 2014


This image is good because it has a good angle of shooting and the shot is filled with them models face. this is important because by having a filled picture this allows there to be no distracting objects or details in the background that can pull the eye away from the main object in the image. furthermore this image is good because the detailing in the face is in focused and the background is blurred and this allows the image to be framed by the blurred area around it. by framing an image with this it allows there to be a main focus point on the screen.