Monday 17 November 2014


My magazine cover consists of a basic image and basic text. This is important because the design needs to be basic and effective. The basic design will enable the reader to have a clear view and understanding of the magazine.
A basic and clear contents page is important because this is one of the first things that the reader will look at. This will give them the first impression of the magazine. This should include what is going to be in the magazine and what the main purpose of it is.

Monday 3 November 2014


These are my images that I have taken for my magazine these images are the well focused and successful ones this is important because the eye path is clear and the main subject or subjects in the image are clear and distinctive. the composition in the image is clear and the colours contrast each other in the best way. the images are good because they have no distractions in the scene which means that the main focus in the image is the only focus in the image. finally in these images lighting is important because the reflection of light on the subjects effects the quality and composition of the final outcome of the image.
This image is good because it has clear composition and the lighting is reflecting well on the subject. In this image above the lighting is good because it reflects of one side of the subjects face and has a small yet distinctive shadow on the subjects face.
This image is good because it has clear composition and the contrast between the colours is clear but not to extreme. This is important because this means that the quality and the detail in the image are kept clear and easy to see.
This image is good because it has a clear foreground, middle ground and background. This is important because the paths are in the foreground which creates the detail in this area. The grass in the middle ground and in the background it shows the school. This is good because it allows the to be a distinctive yet not to extreme difference between the areas.