Tuesday 3 February 2015


Kerrang is contrasting to the other magazine because the specific genre of this magazine is metal / rock. By having  a magazine that is specific to a certain group of people this enables them to adapt it to the specific desires of their customers. by having a magazine that is aimed at a specific market this means that they are aiming at a niche market. this is good as they know what they are getting when they buy this magazine.

This magazine contrasts to others because tis one is not aimed at a niche market because it has lots of different music genres in it. this is good because there will be more consumers because there will be more music that will appeal to more people. this will mean that more of them will be sold as more people will like the music in these magazine.

Top of the pops is a magazine that is aimed at a much younger audience probably 12-15/16 year olds this is because it has a much younger audience because of the bands and musicians that they have in and on the cover. also this is clearly aimed at younger girls because of the colours used and the lay out this is because the colour pink and the cluttered lay out shows that this product is aimed at much younger audience.
These three magazines consist of very different front covers. these are different because of the audience that they are aimed at. Kerrang is aimed at rock music lovers and potentially Goths. NME is aimed at a much more general audience because the covers sometimes consist of older generation music or much more contemporary and modern music. Top of the pops is aimed at a much younger audience because of the people on the cover and the colours and the lay out of the magazine.

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