Friday 24 April 2015


Q1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?

Q6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Q7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you haven't learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Tuesday 21 April 2015


This is my final magazine and I have changed and developed on this throughout my production through evaluations and questionnaires. I have used sample groups and focus groups to see if my magazine is similar to a real one.


I have changed my magazine through the production. I have changed and played around with fonts and their sizes to try and achieve the best look this is important to get the best look because this is important to link with the house style. I have tried adding different colours schemes and styles but I fell that the best theme through my magazine will be black, white and red this is because they are the most effective to the eye.


I have had feedback on my magazine. Some of the questions that I asked my focus group were...

Cover Page Review ...

  • What stands out the most on this page?
This was my main question for the cover this was because it does not consist of any colours besides black and white so I asked this question just to see what was the most bold piece on the page.

The focus group said that the most visually pleasing piece on the page was the band name. they said that this was because it was in a larger font size and a different font. they said that this was good because this allows the reader to see who the main focus of the magazine is.

Contents Page Review ...

  • Do the red numbers go well with the house style and colour scheme?
This was an important point in my magazine this was because by adding a new colour this means that it changes the house style and colour scheme.
They said that this was good because it added another layer to the magazine and by having more colours on it helps to have focus points on the page which draw the eye in and make the reader want to look at that section of the page.
Double Page Review ...
  • Does the block layout on this page work?
This was important because by using a block layout this means that the structure has to be neat and has to be aligned all correctly.
They said that this was good the three columns worked well and the left their of the artist title and pull quote work well. this is effective with the large letter in the background acting like a drop cap. also by having it in red this is good because it then links to the house style that is on the contents page with the page numbers.


These are my magazine mock ups they are my original plans of my magazine. I have stuck to the main layout of my magazine. This is important to make a mock up this is because it allows you to have something to base the work around. This allows you to have something to compare you final work with and see if it is what you originally anticipated.


This is my mock up of my front cover and my actual front cover. they are similar because I had chosen to do a simple design this has allowed me to have a simple style that is consistent throughout my magazine.


This is my contents page mock up. I had originally wanted to do separate images with little to no text around them. I have kept the style and layout of the numbers and other main features I have just changed the arrangement of the images and the main text.


 this is my double page spread I have kept to my mock up an have changed and edited my images to allow my page to have a clear structure that allows there to be a formality to the page which is why there are columns broken up into thirds. I initially did not want to use any colour on this however I thought that the page was missing something so I have added a capital J behind the title and the pull quote. I think that this gives it the best effect because it ads another layer to the page.