Saturday 4 April 2015


i have used indie magazines such as The Wire, Bearded, Magnet and NME as inspiration this is because these are the main four music magazines that interest me the most. this is because of the genre of music used in them and also the basic layout. which allows easy reading and does not over face the reader in any way. this is important because this means that it is more appealing as it is not covered in unnecessary features on or in the magazine.

I have used Indie Music magazine as my inspiration for the cover as its basic layout allow it be recreated easily and also means that it is effective.

This upward facing camera angle has given the magazine a more powerful effect this is because by using an angle that makes someone look powerful this makes the magazine seem more overpowering to the reader and interesting therefor they will want to read more of it.

I have used NME as my main inspiration for the contents page because this allows me to created a structured contents page that has clear defined different sections which will show the different features within the magazine. i have also used t because of the printing and how it was done on a newspaper which means that it has a different feel and effect to a glossy magazine which sometimes does not appeal to all people.

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