Tuesday 14 April 2015


This is my photo shoot plan and the outcome of my ideas and photos.

I have chosen to use a complete black background for most of my images as I think that this gives a good contrast to the model which emphasises them and their features. by doing this it improves the quality of my images because it will make the reader focus on the image instead of the things that are happening around the model. this is also good for the magazine because it still used the basic style that I am trying to achieve I have done this by keeping to basic colours and basic clothing design.
I have done this with this image because I have arranged with the model to bear a two toned basic top. this means that you still have the contrast between the clothing the screen and the model therefor this will shot the audience what they are wearing. this is important because this can also mean that the reader is able to relate because of the individuals clothing style and personal look.
With the next model I have chosen to use a shirt because this gives the model a more formal yet relaxed look this is important because this means that the models are all wearing different styles which helps to show the reader that there are many different styles that fit into the one specific magazine genre. Originally my colour theme was going to be black and red even though I have still used this has have edited my photos so the red of the numbers can stand out more on my magazine.
Again I have used the more formal look with the models outfit this is because this time I have used a patterned shit this is because this will add another type of style to the magazine photos. this shirt again goes with the initial colour scheme of black and red. This has been done to add another aspect of style this is important because this contributes to the reaction and the response from my focus group that I will be asking my evaluation questions to.
Finally for my last model I have used a plain black t shirt this is because this style matches the effect of the models style. this is because I have used a darker style with him because of his darker features, including his hair and face shape. by using a model that contrasts the rest of them this will make them stand out even more this is good because by adding a contrasting person to the group this shows the audience the difference between the group of people that my magazine has been based round.
For my group shot I have used an out door area. this is good because of the natural light available and it a able to highlight and give genuine shadows and not ones created by artificial light. for this image I have used the wall the ground and the sky to divide the page into thirds. I have also done this with the models which has allowed me to create a grid style on the page which divides the sections up. with this image by using the wall and other features form the page this has allowed me to add another aspect to the magazine in the sense that I only have one detailed image in the whole magazine which allows there to be a contrast to the cover page and the rest of the magazine.

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