Tuesday 21 April 2015


This is my mock up of my front cover and my actual front cover. they are similar because I had chosen to do a simple design this has allowed me to have a simple style that is consistent throughout my magazine.


This is my contents page mock up. I had originally wanted to do separate images with little to no text around them. I have kept the style and layout of the numbers and other main features I have just changed the arrangement of the images and the main text.


 this is my double page spread I have kept to my mock up an have changed and edited my images to allow my page to have a clear structure that allows there to be a formality to the page which is why there are columns broken up into thirds. I initially did not want to use any colour on this however I thought that the page was missing something so I have added a capital J behind the title and the pull quote. I think that this gives it the best effect because it ads another layer to the page.

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